

发布时间:2015-03-10   浏览次数:0

邢胜涛,男,硕士生导师,河北省杰出青年基金获得者,省三三三人才三层次人选。主要从事高级氧化技术消除难降解污染物的研究,主持完成多项国家和省部厅级厅课题,获河北省自然科学二等奖和省高校教学成果三等奖各一项,以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文30余篇,包括多篇环境化学领域顶级期刊如Environ. Sci. Technol、Chem. Eng. J.、Appl. Catal. B、J. Mater. Chem. A等,获授权国家发明专利3项。指导本科生获河北省创新创业大赛一等奖1项,指导硕士研究生6人获国家奖学金。





1. ShengtaoXing*, Wenqing Li, Bo Liu, Yinsu Wu, Yuanzhe Gao, Removal of ciprofloxacinby persulfate activation with CuO: A pH dependent mechanism. Chem. Eng. J.2020, 382: 122837.

2. Yinsu Wu, SaShi, ShushengYuan, Tong Bai, Shengtao* Xing,Insight into the enhanced activity of Ag/NiOx-MnO2 for catalytic oxidation ofo-xylene at low temperatures, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 479:1262-1269.

3. Yuan Ma, Beibei Wang, Qing Wang, Shengtao Xing*,Facile synthesis of α-FeOOH/γ-Fe2O3by a pH gradient method and the role of γ-Fe2O3 in H2O2activation under visible light irradiation. Chem. Eng. J. 2018, 354, 75-84

4. Qing Wang, Beibei Wang, Yuan Ma, Shengtao Xing*, Enhanced superoxideradical production for ofloxacin removal via persulfate activation with Cu-Feoxide. Chem. Eng. J. 2018, 354, 473-480

5. Qing Wang, Yuan Ma, Shengtao Xing*, Comparative study of Cu-based bimetallic oxidesfor Fenton-like degradation of organic pollutants. Chemosphere. 2018, 203, 450-456

6. Wei Zhao, Chuan Liang, Beibei Wang, Shengtao Xing*, EnhancedPhotocatalytic and Fenton-Like Performance of CuOx Decorated ZnFe2O4. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9, 41927−41936

7. ShengtaoXing, Xiaoyang Lu, Jia Liu, Lin Zhu, Zichuan Ma*, Catalytic ozonation ofSulfosalicylic acid over manganese oxide supported on mesoporous ceria.Chemosphere. 2016, 144, 7-12

8. Zichuan Ma, Limei Ren, Shengtao Xing*, Yinsu Wu, Yuanzhe Gao, Sodium dodecyl sulfatemodified FeCo2O4 with enhanced Fenton-like activity atneutral Ph. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2015, 119, 23068−23074

9. ShengtaoXing, Dongyuan Zhao, Wenjuan Yang, Zichuan Ma, Yinsu Wu, Yuanzhe Gao,Weirong Chen, Jiao Han, Fabrication of magnetic core-shell nanocomposites withsuperior performance for water treatment. J. Mater. Chem. A 2013, 1, 1694-1700

10. ShengtaoXing, Zicheng Zhou, Zichuan Ma, Yinsu Wu, Characterization and reactivityof Fe3O4/FeMnOx core/shell nanoparticles for methylene blue discoloration withH2O2. Appl. Catal. B 2011, 107, 386-392

11. Shengtao Xing, Chun Hu, Jiuhui Qu, Hong He, Min Yang,Characterization and reactivity of MnOx supported on mesoporous zirconia forherbicide 2,4-D mineralization with ozone. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42,3363-3368